.. _idle: .. currentmodule:: pyuv ================================ :py:class:`Idle` --- Idle handle ================================ .. py:class:: Idle(loop) :type loop: :py:class:`Loop` :param loop: loop object where this handle runs (accessible through :py:attr:`Idle.loop`). ``Idle`` handles will run the given callback *once per loop iteration*, right before the :py:class:`Prepare` handles. .. note:: The notable difference with :py:class:`Prepare` handles is that when there are active :py:class:`Idle` handles, the loop will perform a zero timeout poll instead of blocking for I/O. .. warning:: Despite the name, :py:class:`Idle` handles will get their callbacks called on **every** loop iteration, not when the loop is actually "idle". .. py:method:: start(callback) :param callable callback: Function that will be called when the ``Idle`` handle is run by the event loop. Start the ``Idle`` handle. Callback signature: ``callback(idle_handle)``. .. py:method:: stop Stop the ``Idle`` handle.