.. _timer: .. currentmodule:: pyuv ================================== :py:class:`Timer` --- Timer handle ================================== .. py:class:: Timer(loop) :type loop: :py:class:`Loop` :param loop: loop object where this handle runs (accessible through :py:attr:`Timer.loop`). A ``Timer`` handle will run the supplied callback after the specified amount of seconds. .. py:method:: start(callback, timeout, repeat) :param callable callback: Function that will be called when the ``Timer`` handle is run by the event loop. :param float timeout: The ``Timer`` will start after the specified amount of time. :param float repeat: The ``Timer`` will run again after the specified amount of time. Start the ``Timer`` handle. Callback signature: ``callback(timer_handle)``. .. py:method:: stop Stop the ``Timer`` handle. .. py:method:: again Stop the ``Timer``, and if it is repeating restart it using the repeat value as the timeout. .. py:attribute:: repeat Get/set the repeat value. Note that if the repeat value is set from a timer callback it does not immediately take effect. If the timer was non-repeating before, it will have been stopped. If it was repeating, then the old repeat value will have been used to schedule the next timeout.